The District of Columbia Brewers’ Guild (DCBG) is a non-profit trade organization that exists to unify the District’s independent craft brewing community, raise awareness and appreciation of the quality and diversity of locally brewed craft beer, and influence public policy decisions to create a business environment that allows our industry to continue to grow and flourish. 


The District of Columbia Brewers’ Guild Exists To:

  • Heighten consumer awareness and pride for locally brewed craft beer through marketing, promotion, events and community involvement.

  • Support sustainable growth of the District of Columbia brewing industry and promote beneficial partnerships between the brewing community and District businesses, government and community-based organizations.

  • Implement programs that help enhance the quality of locally brewed independent craft beer, promote safety and environmental responsibility within the brewing industry, and provide tools to help our businesses grow and thrive.

  • Act as unifying voice to advocate for government policies and regulations at the federal and local levels that help our businesses grow and survive in a competitive market.  

  • Provide opportunities to encourage cooperation, collaboration and mutually beneficial business opportunities among local breweries, alcohol beverage producers, wholesalers, related businesses, beer retailers and consumers

  • Promote diversity and inclusiveness in both the brewing industry and within the greater community.

  • Honor and preserve the rich brewing history and culture of the District of Columbia.


contributed to dc economy


jobs created


barrels of craft beer produced


craft breweries


in nationwide per capita impact


gallons per 21+ adult produced

Board of Directors

Justin Cox, President

Founder/CEO, Atlas Brew Works

Brandon Skall, Treasurer

Founder/CEO, DC Brau

Ro Guenzel, Secretary

Director of Brewing Operations, Bluejacket

Thor Cheston, Owner, Right Proper Brewing Company

Favio Garcia, Founder/Director of Brewing Operations, Dynasty Brewing

James Warner, Founder/CEO, City-State Brewing Co.


Kimberly Bender, Executive Director


Alex Fraioli, Assistant Director



The DC Brewers' Guild is managed by the Heurich House Museum as part of their Urban Manufacturing Incubator.